Sunday, August 21, 2022

The best gift is to be present!


We educate our children with the intention that he be something better in life, something even better than we were is very common parents want to give the best to their children of course as far as possible. But many parents go beyond this, many for lack of time, or for a relationship ''a marriage'' that didn't work out, do the impossible to fulfill all the desires of their children.

And it's no use saying that this is not true, because this really happens, and that's where the danger lies. Besides guilt, fear and insecurity also seem to be factors that weigh on parents when setting limits. Many have been so repressed and imposed such severe limits on them that they have grown up with the idea that if they say "no" to their children or impose any other limit on them, it will hurt them. "Children raised in an environment where everything can, where everything is allowed, do not learn to get along with others. They become insecure and disoriented" Children need attention, affection, but also limits. There is no use in trying to supply something that is missing with total freedom, letting children do whatever they want will only hurt them in the future. The presence of a responsible person is very important for her to feel safe. Another doubt at home is to know what is best for the children, what is allowed and what is not allowed. You know what this conflict of authority is. In many homes where parents don't understand each other, it is almost impossible to set limits, and do you know who suffers the most? Each parent gives their children what they think is best, and so the child soon learns that obedience is something relative, or manipulates one of the parents to get what they want!

Bjus and stay with God!

100 tips to be a successful photographer!

Photography is an art, who does not have a photo album at home,that folder saved on the computer or even a corner on social networks to save with affection those unforgettable moments.(Who never right)

Today I bring to you 100 tips to be a successful photographer!

1. Never shoot with the intention of becoming famous.
2. Enjoy what you are photographing.
3. Be prepared, charge batteries the day before, and check that the memory card is empty and in the camera.
4. Always carry a jacket.
5. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions when you are shooting.6. Have goals that you can stick to.
7. Write down photography tips, because writing is also learning
8. Never go out shooting without a tripod, your hand will never be firmer than a tripod.
9. Be satisfied with the small evolutions.
10. Make friends with other photographers.

11. First observe with your heart, then with your camera.
12. Always stay calm.
13. Accept and recognize that you often overestimate yourself.
14. Perspective is the key.
15. Dedicate yourself to photography, and never be intimidated, there is nothing you cannot learn.
16. Participate in photography forums and communities.
17. Keep your camera clean. 18. 18. Never compare yourself to others, better or worse.
19. Find your own style and develop it.
20. Try to compose more and shoot less.
21. Seek and accept criticism about your photos.
22. Do something different to renew your creativity.
23. Be inspired by the work of other photographers.

24. Criticize honestly, but with respect.
25. Ask your boyfriend, girlfriend and family members for their opinion.
26. Don't copy other photographers' styles.
27. Be daring.
28. Pay attention to the golden ratio.
29. 50mm rocks!
30. Take self-portraits.
31. Read books on photography.
32. Try to improve your landscape photography, include a person (maybe you).
33. Every photo session will be different from what you expect (better, worse, or just different).
34. Pay attention to curves and S-shaped lines.
35. Always shoot in RAW.
37. Discover the things you find attractive.

39. The best equipment is what you have.
40. You can take pictures of anything.
41. Know and break the rules.
42. Pay attention to the different types of light in different parts of the scene.
43. The eyes always move to the point of most contrast.
44. Clouds add to the atmosphere of landscapes.
45. Start a blog.
46. Accept compliments and always say thank you.
47 "What a beautiful photo" is not the best comment.
48. "Awesome" is not very helpful either.  Try to be more specific, say something about what you like or dislike about a photo.
49. You are not your camera.
50. Ask a question at the end of your photo description to start a discussion.
51. Go back to your old photos regularly, the more you photograph the more hidden gems out there you will find.
52. Always make it clear what the main (eye-catching) point of your photo is.
53. No picture is better than the other.
54. Everyone has to start small.
55. Your opinion about photography is important.
56. Leave funny but meaningful comments.
57. Talk about your experiences with your photographer friends.
58. Focus on your goal.
59. Participate in contests.
60. Edit = improve your image for a better result.
61. Try to shoot more in manual mode.
62. Use HDR only when it is extremely necessary.
63. Always remember what you have learned.
64. Never shoot someone who does not want to be photographed.

66. The picture is who is behind the camera, not the camera.
67. Mistakes are allowed. The more mistakes, the more you will learn!
68. 68. When you have an idea and immediately afterwards weigh "hmm, it won't look good," do it anyway. If in doubt always take a picture.
69. Understand and use the Histogram, it contains very important information about your photo.
70. Know your camera.
71. Shoot whenever you can.
72. Believe in yourself
73. Don't be afraid to get dirty
74. Pay attention to the quality of the image.
75. Your photographs are a reflection of your personality (so don't copy the work of others).
76. Review camera settings before shooting.
77. Be more appreciative of long comments and critiques on your photo.
78. Never trust the LCD screen of your camera, it is always brighter and sharper.

79. Invest in batteries and memory cations to lower your limitations.
81. Always arrive at least half an hour before sunset or sunrise to compose your photo.
82. Try to increase your physical and mental limit. Take a few more pictures when you think "enough is enough".
83. Pay attention to the cloud formations, and if possible wait until they fit perfectly in your composition.
84. Visit the same places as often as possible, the light is never the same.

85. Print your images in poster size. You will love it!
86. Calibrate your monitor. Working with an uncalibrated monitor is like being with someone you don't trust, it never ends well.
87. Don't care too much what others think about your photo, what matters is your satisfaction (but always try to improve).
88. Never criticize yourself. Learn from your mistakes, always look forward and never back.
89. Fight your laziness. Creativity begins with discipline.

90. Ask yourself: What do I want to convey with my photos?
91. Always try to innovate, gather new ideas about photography that make you ask yourself: why not?
92. Look for someone who can teach you and give you tips.
93. Photography is never a waste of time.
94. There will always be rocks in the way, don't be discouraged.
95. There will always be people who don't like what you are doing.
96. Henri Cartier-Bresson was right when he said "Your first 10,000 pictures will be your worst.
97. 97. A better camera does not mean better pictures.

98. Always keep printing in mind when you are editing your photos.
99. Photography is fair, your best photos will always get more recognition.

36. Keep the sensor clean, it saves you time when editing.
38. It takes time to become a good photographer (more than you might think)

65. Always look everywhere, sometimes the best image is behind you.
80. Learn to appreciate nice moments when your camera is not with you.
Love what you do and study hard.


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The best gift is to be present!

  We educate our children with the intention that he be something better in life, something even better than we were is very common parents ...